Tonight we had our Children's Hope International (CHI) group dinner where 36 adoptive families were trea

Thoughts of the flight home and arrival back in DuPont bring to mind the transition that our family will soon experience. Undoubtedly, we'll need some time to get over jet lag and time for Catherine to adjust to our family and new surroundings. So, everyone should expect us to lay low for a while as we focus on the adjustment.
Thanks to everyone who posted an encouraging comment on our blog. Unfortunately, while we could update and publish new posts, some sort of glitch kept us from viewing the final published product that you see here. We received your comments via email but were unable to post any follow up comments.
We would love it if you could pray for our flight back. Specifically, that we would be able to comfort Catherine during her teething. We're almost out of Baby Orajel, the only thing that helps. We will try to find some locally tomorrow.
Love to all,
Rich, Cheryl, Truman, Andrew, and Catherine
Praying for a smooth transition back home. We can't wait to meet her!!!
Love and Prayers...
I'm so glad you'll be home soon. You'll be running smoothly as a family of five in no time - and it will seem like she's always been with you. I'll be praying for a smooth trip.
From the looks of things God surely had your daughter all picked out and waiting for you all to just come and bring her home...praying for a safe and restfull trip home to to you then. Love, Dad.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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